There are some very distinct anachronisms hanging in the air when Boston's Douglas Fir fill an entire disc with the kind of gorgeously claustrophobic melancholy pop that was a tough sell even back in the '80s when that stuff actually had an audience. But with the rise of soul-baring emo, perhaps the time is right for the Douglas Fir to recreate the somber ennui of those old Smiths and Cure and Nick Cave albums while giving them a slightly more luscious sonic bed to lounge in. Although guitarist/vocalist Jay Walsh has a tendency toward lyrics that are a little overwrought in message and execution, they never seem out of place in the little cinematic gems constructed by Walsh, U.K.-obsessed bassist Patrick Cooley and tribal tub thumper John Michael. Imagine Morrissey fronting Dashboard Confessional at an Afghan Whigs tribute ("Wherever You Go," "Until That Day Comes") and you're approaching the Douglas Fir's astonishing power and moody atmospherics.
-Brian Baker, Amplifier Magazine -2004